mardi 5 juin 2007

Proxy settings in Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox

How to set up Internet Explorer and Firefox for a proxy:

Proxy Settings in Internet Explorer 6.X

1. Click "Service" \ "Internet Options";
2. Click "Connections";
3. If you use Dial-Up connection, choose your connection and click "Settings" button.
if you use LAN connection, click "LAN Settings" button in the "Local Area Network (LAN) Settings" group box;
4. Enable "use a proxy server";
5. In fields "Address" and "port", type proxy name and proxy port number;
6. If nessesary, enable "bypass proxy server for local addresses";
7. Click "OK";
8. Click "OK" to close IE settings.

Proxy Settings in Mozilla

1. Click "Edit" \ "Preferences";
2. Click "Category" \ "Advanced" \ "Proxies";
3. Set "Manual proxy configuration";
4. Click "View" at "Manual proxy configuration";
5. Set proxies for following protocols: HTTP, FTP, etc.

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